24/7 Emergency Response
- Cost Effective Solutions
- Complete Professional Service
- Full Compliment of Equipment On Board
- 24/7 365 Days a Year
"Great job guys, keep up the great work!" Mark
"O pessoal da excelente trabalho, manter-se o grande
trabalho!" Mark Jackson
"Thanks to everyone involved and keep up the great work guys!" Jessica York
"Graças a todos os envolvidos e manter os caras grande trabalho!" Jessica Iorque
"Quick and reliable service!" Sarah Smith
"Serviço rápido e confiável!" Sarah Smith
"Came out to fix the Drains on New Years Eve - life savers!" John Richmond
"Saiu para fixar os drenos na véspera do Ano Novo - vida poupadores" John Richmond
tel: (00351) 912712077
e-mail: john-mayhew@hotmail.com
Contact us:
00351 912 712 077
We look forward to hearing from you.